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MDOC [Michigan] implements anti-drug security system for privileged mail sent to corrections facilities

Posted on: November 04, 2024

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — The Michigan Department of Corrections will implement a new system for verifying confidential, privileged, and special handling mail sent to incarcerated individuals starting Nov. 1st, the department announced Thursday.

MDOC currently provides photocopies of standard mail to inmates as a means to deter drug smuggling, which led to some people falsifying privileged mail, which is sent from legal entities, must be opened in front of the inmate, and can not be read or censored by corrections staff due to attorney-client privilege.

The new system, TextBehind DOCS, will require attorneys to register with a website that requires them to print a QR code for each piece of mail they send to clients in correctional facilities. This QR code would then be scanned by corrections staff and, after verifying its origin, deliver it to the inmate.

Previously, staff would have to individually contact the sender of each item, but the introduction of these QR codes is expected to streamline the process and mitigate exposure to dangerous contraband such as fentanyl.

On Nov. 1, attorneys can begin registering for an account by visiting this website. Registration will require attorneys to provide a copy of their state-issued photo identification, as well as a copy of their State Bar of Michigan attorney card.

On Jan. 13, MDOC will reject all privileged mail that does not have a QR code issued by TextBehind.

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