Scheduled Maintenance Notice

TextBehind system maintenance is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 2025, from 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM EST. During this time, there may be temporary downtime in TextBehind services. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Thank you

TextBehind® is a state-of-the-art service that is affordable and easy-to-use for all.

Our mission statement has always been to connect relationships from all over the world with a high dgree of convenience, efficiency, and affordability.

Today, we are proudly connecting families and friends from at least 100 different countries with their incarcerated loved ones across 3,000 correctional institutions nationwide.

Affordability and Support

TextBehind® service to the family & friends is more affordable than the cost of a postal stamp.

And, that is just a start.

All orders carry much more value, faster delivery, and customer support that ensures that you get the value for your time, and money.

TextBehind® Performance

Based on Actual Data

Contraband Elimination From Inmate Mail
Full control on Mail Review, Approval & Investigations
Reduction in Mail Related Grievances
Reduction in Mail Processing Time and Related Costs
Reduction in Physical Mail Volume and Billing
Customer Service Response within ONE-HOUR
Rating by Family &
4.8 / 5.0
Rating by Correctional Institutions
4.9 / 5.0

Contact us today to learn more about TextBehind services and see how can you gain these advantages for your institution(s).

About TextBehind®

Established in 2013, TextBehind® began connecting family, friends, and children with their incarcerated loved ones as a social media service. We are grateful for the Maryland State Department of Economics, and several other generous investment partners who helped with the TextBehind® dream.

Our mission includes the following objectives:

  • Protect lives of the correctional officers, the incarcerated loved ones, and fight contraband.
  • Reduce the communication gap by providing family & friends with a convenient, easy-to-use, and affordable method of communication as an alternative to postal mail.
  • Ease emotional pain for the loved ones caused by incarceration.
  • Promote advancements in security, and safety in corrections, and the public safety sectors.
  • Create re-entry opportunities to help reduce recidivism.

In 2021, despite the challenges posed by the global Covid-19 pandemic, TextBehind® continued to expand nationwide across multiple state departments of corrections, and county correctional facilities. Additionally, we also focused on building alliances, partnerships, and collaborative relationships in private sector. This collection of efforts continue to enable TextBehind®, and our partners connect countless new relationships every single day.


TextBehind® is a team of highly experienced, and talented individuals who are compasisonate about public safety, and family values. We are also supported by a group of advisors, industry partners, and directors who understand how important consistent communication is. Therefore, leading a team of such individuals is a privilege.

Mr. Zia Rana

President & CEO, TextBehind, Inc

As the co-founder, Zia has been serving with the executive team responsible for technological innovation, brand development, and client relations. Formerly, he worked with the UNHCR (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), and the U.S. Pentagon. His accolades include multiple award-winning technology projects.